2022 no. 17 - Publication of major shareholder announcement and Ahlsell’s control
Aalborg, 22 December 2022
Sanistål A/S ("Sanistål") has received a major shareholder notification submitted pursuant to chapter 7 of Consolidated Act no. 2014 of 1 November 2021 on capital markets (the "Capital Markets Act"), as amended.
As announced in company announcement no. 8 / 2022, Ahlsell Danmark ApS ("Ahlsell") announced on 24 May 2022 that Ahlsell had entered into conditional share purchase agreements with Danske Bank A/S, Nordea Bank Abp, Jyske Bank A/S and Nykredit Bank A/S to acquire approximately 75.49% of the shares in Sanistål at a price of DKK 58 per share. As the necessary regulatory approvals have been obtained (please refer to company announcement no. 16 / 2022), these agreements have now been completed.
Accordingly, Ahlsell owns in total approximately 80.39% of the total share capital and voting rights in Sanistål.
Consequently, Ahlsell is in principle also obligated to make a mandatory offer for all remaining shares in Sanistål pursuant to and in compliance with section 45 of the Danish Capital Markets Act and the Danish Takeover Order. However, Ahlsell Danmark ApS has applied for an exemption from the obligation to make a mandatory offer due to the expected compulsory acquisition to be initiated after the completion of the voluntary offer. The application for an exemption is currently being processed by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority.
Ahlsell is directly and wholly owned and controlled by Ahlsell Sverige AB, a Swedish company, incorporated under the laws of Sweden with company registration number 556012-9206, Årstaängsvägen 11, SE-117 98 Stockholm, Sweden. Ahlsell Sverige AB forms part of the group of companies under Ahlsell AB (publ) which is ultimately owned by CVC Capital Partners VII (A) L.P.
As announced by Ahlsell in the offer document, please refer to company announcement no. 9 / 2022, Ahlsell will shortly initiate a compulsory acquisition of the remaining minority shareholders. In connection with the compulsory acquisition Sanistål will request Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S to have Sanistål's shares removed from trading and official listing.
For further information, please contact:
Chairman of the board of directors, Anders K. Bønding, may be contacted through Pia Kristensen, head of communications at Sanistål, tel. +45 9630 6000, mobile +45 4117 8617.
This message has been prepared in both English and Danish. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Danish versions, the Danish version shall prevail.
Major shareholder announcement from Ahlsell Danmark ApS.
Announcement from Ahlsell Danmark ApS regarding acquisition of control and completion of share purchase agreements.
- Major Shareholder Notification to Sanistål (Ahlsell) 22 12 2022
- Announcement of Completion of SPAs (Ahlsell) 22 12 2022