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CS Medica
Ole ensimmäinen seuraaja
CS Medica is a Danish company active in medical technology. The company specializes in the development of new medical treatments. The portfolio includes medical cannabis (CBD) products, with the greatest focus on dietary supplements and various treatment care. The products are used, for example, by patients suffering from psoriasis, osteoarthritis, and hair loss. The largest operations are found in the Nordic market, where the products are resold under their own brand.
NäytäKaikki sisältötyypit
CS MEDICA A/S: CANNORDIC India Ltd., a CS MEDICA Subsidiary, Signs Letter of Intent with the Pharmaceutical Company Zuventus Healthcare to Launch CANNASEN® in India
CS MEDICA A/S: CS MEDICA Achieves MDR Classification, Setting New Standards in Substance-Based Medical Devices
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