Change in the Nomination Committee's proposal regarding election of Board members for the 2023 Annual General Meeting in Azelio AB (publ)
The Nomination Committee's proposal for resolutions for the Annual General Meeting of Azelio AB (publ) (the "Company") on 30 June 2023 was published through the notice of the Annual General Meeting published on 30 May 2023. The notice of the Annual General Meeting, including the Nomination Committee's proposals, is available on the Company's website,
As the Board member proposed by the Nomination Committee, Elaine Weidman Grunewald, has announced that she declines re-election, the Nomination Committee has decided to withdraw its proposal in this part. Furthermore, the Nomination Committee's proposal is adjusted so that the number of AGM-elected members shall be five without deputies (previously it was proposed that the number of AGM-elected members shall be six without deputies).
The Nomination Committee's proposals in other parts are unchanged.