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Herantis Pharma H2'20: Lisälenkki pitkässä matkassa
Herantis Pharma kehittää lääkeratkaisuja Parkinsonin taudin ja lymfaturvotuksen hoitoon. Tuorein lymfatutkimusvaihe ei tuonut selkeää edistystä ja Parkinsonin taudin puolella siirrytään uuteen annostelutapaan. Toimitusjohtaja Craig Cook kommentoi yhtiön edistymistä Verneri Pulkkisen haastattelussa. Haastattelu on englanniksi.
Herantiksen sijoittajasivut
00:00 Intro
00:10 Lets talk about your Parkinson disease treatment CDNF. First, could you refresh my memory and also serve possible new investors in Herantis Pharma by reminding us what’s CDNF about?
01:44 Last November you decided to change the administration methods of CDNF and later partnered with Nanoform. Where are we now with CDNF?
05:40 Naturally this change caused some delay in the development. Could you picture us a roadmap with CNDF, when should we anticipate more news about it?
07:10 It seems there are growing interest among investors on Parkinson Disease, and a number of companies with strong financial recourses are competing in the same field as Herantis. One investors asked, could you comment how Herantis and its research development is positioned compared to other companies such as Yumanity Therapeutics or Denali Therapeutics? 10:00 Update on xCDNF?
12:15 Lets move to Lymfactin. Herantis published results about phase II study yesterday that perhaps were not a case for celebration and left the future of Lymactin development open. What were the results and why did you discover differences between treatment groups only after the study had began?
18:19 Focus of the company moving forward?
19:35 Herantis Pharma had two rounds of private placements last year. I think the second one on December was a bit of a surprise for some investors, especially since Herantis share price had depreciated quite much. Could you gives us some flavour on Herantis decision to raise more cash before Lymfactin study results? Even though from hindsight this was a clever decision.
21:30 For early stage biotech companies raising cash is quite “game ish” operation. You need good news to raise the share price and get more attention from investors and then future placements won’t dilute you share count as much. On the other hand, biotech companies can have a negative spiral where setbacks in studies lead to deteriorating share price and more dilution when they raise more cash. How do you view the dynamic and how well positioned Herantis is for the future in financial sense?