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Idogen (Nasdaq First Growth Market: IDOGEN) develops tolerogenic cell therapies to prevent the patient’s immune system from attacking biological agents, transplanted organs or the body’s own cells or tissue. The company’s most advanced project, IDO 8, is designed to restore the efficacy of hemophilia drugs in patients who have developed neutralizing antibodies. The company’s second project, IDO T, is being developed to prevent kidney transplant rejection.
Suurimmat omistajatLähde: Millistream Market Data AB
Omistaja | Osuus | Ääniä |
Avanza Pension | 8,5 % | 8,5 % |
Ranya Usta | 2,7 % | 2,7 % |
Inderes Premium
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NäytäKaikki sisältötyypit
Idogen working for a sale of its proprietary technology platform
Redeye: Idogen - Q1 2023 – In a tough situation
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