Ascelia Pharma: Wrap up from interview with Deputy CEO Julie Waras Brogren
Ascelia Pharma's shares rose by more than 5 percent yesterday ahead of the first day of the subscription period for the company's rights issue, which starts today. Last Friday, Ascelia Pharma published the prospectus for the issue, aiming to raise up to SEK 105 million, with nearly 70 percent of the amount guaranteed. The company participated in an event with HCA Capital yesterday in connection with the issue, where Deputy CEO Julie Waras Brogren explained the background and timing of the capital increase. You can watch or rewatch the event here: Interview med CEO Julie W. Brogren
Further investment perspectives ahead of the issue, you can view our updated One-Pager on Ascelia Pharma via the link below, where it is assessed that the company's share price only reflects about a 10 percent probability that the company's Orviglance product will be successfully launched: One-pager
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from Ascelia Pharma for a Digital IR/Corporate Visibility subscription agreement. /Claus Thestrup 08:20 AM 20-08-2024.
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Ascelia Pharma
Ascelia Pharma is a pharmaceutical company. The company specializes in the development of orphan drugs in oncology (cancer). The company is developing various drug candidates, where the greatest use is found in the treatment of cancers that affect the liver and stomach. The company was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Malmö, Sweden but operates on a global level.
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